Technologies to Support Building Safety and Reliability

Super high-rise RC technology "Super HRC system" SHRCS


The Super High-performance RC High-rise Housing System (Super HRC System) is reinforced-concrete technology for super high-rise buildings. Its development has emphasized high-strength materials, seismic isolation and vibration control, and precasting.

- It achieves economical high-rise housing while providing the wind-vibration resistance of reinforced concrete.
- High-strength materials and slabs with differences in levels enable the achievement of flexible living spaces.
- Precast parts make for outstanding durability and long-lived frameworks.


  • Economical skyscraper that is resistant to wind sway unique to reinforced concrete construction
  • Realization of a flexible living space by increasing the strength of the material and step slab
  • Improvement of safety during an earthquake by using vibration control and seismic isolation devices
  • Construction of a highly durable and long-life skeleton by precasting members