Technologies to Support Building Safety and Reliability

Low shrinkage and high durability concrete


The high-durability concrete we have developed is a concrete that makes effective use of shrinkage reducing agents to reduce cracking and improve durability performance, enabling it to maintain performance for more than 100 years. High-durability concrete improves the quality of structures and prolongs the service-life, and contributes to environmental problems by reducing maintenance and repair, and by making effective use of resources.
  • "High-durability concrete" that reduces cracking, suppresses the rate of neutralization, and is resistant to frost damage.
  • "High-durability Concrete" reduces drying shrinkage and greatly suppresses cracking by properly using shrinkage reducing agent. In addition, it is possible to use limestone aggregate and expansion material together to make "low shrinkage concrete", with a drying shrinkage ratio reduced by about 75% maximum.
  • It assumes a strength range from the designed standard strength of 30 to 40MPa.
  • Neutralization depth after 100 years is suppressed to 30mm or less, and corrosion of rebars due to neutralization of concrete can be prevented over a long period of 100 years or more.

※ Our highly durable concrete was developed in collaboration with Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. Test results of drying shrinkage rate by length change test